Selling Your Home During the Fall

Welcome back to my video blog! A lot of buyers and sellers have asked me is it too late in the year to sell?

Well, I have four points to consider when getting ready to sell your home.

1.    Weather: We’ve had a lot of rain lately and it has caused some delays in our market.  The activity that normally happens in May and June has been pushed back to the earlier fall months.

2.    Schools: Yes, school is back in session, so many of the families who were looking to move before then have already purchased their home.

3.    Supply and demand: We have a shortage of inventory, which puts your new home in high demand!

4.    Financing: There is plenty of financing options for buyers to purchase your home.

These are just a few things to consider if you are thinking about selling your home now. Of course each situation is different, so if you would like more help or have any questions, please call me at 770.396.6100! Thank you for watching!

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